Thanks to CoinZip.com Bel Mar Coin Club has been getting a nice mention for each upcoming show. Be sure to stop by our next show and bring a friend or two! There will be lots of fun for the kids, too!
Here is the Info for our next show:
June 9, 2024
Show runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
**If you would like more information about our next show; or if you want to reserve a table to display your collection or to buy & sell coins, please contact our Club Bourse Chairman:
Len Brokos
E-MAIL: prott1056@yahoo.com
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[…] Mar Coin Club Skip to content HomeAbout UsAuction SheetsClub BylawsCoin ShowsKids KornerLinks ← Getting ready for […]
I am a firm believer that silver will pick up value here in the next few years. With the way the government is spending we are sure to see an inflation hit soon. Maybe even by the end of this year we could see food prices increase. The value of silver to gold historically has been about 1-16 or 16 ounces of silver to 1 ounce of gold. Currently with all the fake paper silver JP Morgan has (and yes they don’t have enough to actually cover what they say they have) it’s roughly around 1-62ish. I think when we see inflation start rising and JP starts stating they don’t really have all the silver the value will increase more to the 16-1 value. Most silver in the world is used in electronics now days and even though more is mined than gold, it is less available because of it’s usefulness in electronics.
Yeah, and the State quarters are worth 25 cents! It’s all about what you feel like collecting. If I had a few grand for perfect 70s I would buy a few, but I get what I can afford now and what I like.
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